Saturday, 31 August 2013


Well, tomorrow is my last morning watering at the garden centre until March, so I thought I had better let you know that at 10am tomorrow, summer 2013 is officially over!  I will really miss arriving at work at stupid o'clock, as I would never usually get up so early, but just look at what is waiting to greet me......

I have Robbie the robin who chats with me every morning and follows me round while I water! Oooooh - and just look at the amazing view I have while I am working....


I am truly sad the season has ended, but hasn't it been great?  A proper summer - I know we waited a long time for it, but oh, worth every minute! The gentle warmth of the early mornings, promising heavenly blue skies and hot sunshine by midday, then winding down into comforting, balmy evenings under star studded midnight blue skies. Mmmmmmmm, heavenly!

All too soon it will be chilly mornings, heavy dew on the cobwebs, golden leaves and the delicious smell of distant bonfire smoke, swiftly followed by short days, cozy fires and regular visits from Jack frost.

Then the early snowdrops valiantly defying snow, rain and winds.........daffodils........ Spring.......and back to watering again...... !!!

Sunday, 18 August 2013

A hooky first!

Wooooo hoooooo!!!!! I am soooo excited! After several months, I have just finished crocheting the last of 168 granny squares for my very first proper delicious hooky blanket! It is simply amazing how working with such gorgeous colours lifts the soul!

Working on the final few squares:

The whole 168 granny squares just waiting for the ends to be weaved in, then I can join them all together:

Originally I thought that 10 squares x 12 rows (a total of 120 squares) would be a perfect size, but soon realised that would be a bit on the mean side, and to be a decent snuggly sofa blanket,  I needed to make it at least 12 x 14. Amazingly that small increase needed an additional 48 squares!

When all the granny squares have been joined together, I am going to add a border, which I have never attempted before. I think I will go for quite a simple one this time, and although I have been researching various ways to do it, am feeling less than confident! I think that as the squares look so good, I am worrying about ruining the blanket at the last hurdle!

Anyway, all being well, I am hoping to get my 'Very First Proper Delicious Hooky Blanket' finished in the next couple of months. As soon as I do, I will post my very first official 'Whooooo Hoooooo Moment'!!!!

Watch this space my lovelies! xxxxxxx